Sunday, November 16, 2014

38 weeks tomorrow

I am ready for this baby to get here!!  I have spent so much of this pregnancy worrying about preterm labor and having a premature baby that it's weird for me to be at this point.  I have spent so many days and nights worrying about contractions and whether or not my water is breaking.  Now I am just ready to bring it on!  I will be 38 weeks tomorrow, so I am not even full term yet.  I want to just be patient.  I know that the closer to 40 weeks we get, the healthier this baby will be.  So I should just wait patiently, but I can't.  I have been so anxious this whole pregnancy and I am terrified that something will go wrong last minute.  I just need to see her and hear her cry.

With my first pregnancy with Gwenevere I never really felt impatient.  As a first time Mom I anticipated that I would go over 40 weeks, probably 41-42.  I was being seen by a midwife and I knew that she wouldn't push for an induction just because my due date came and went.  I was due on December 8th and the thought of going into labor in November never even crossed my mind.  So when I started having contractions on November 30th I didn't really think it could be the real thing.  But sure enough, the next day my daughter was born at 39 weeks exactly.  Not exactly early and certainly not premature, but sooner than I expected.

Now that I have had a baby at 39 weeks and my twins prematurely at 22 weeks I have been certain this whole pregnancy that I would not make it to term.  I have been hoping for at least 32 weeks, but preferably 37 weeks.  Well here I am about to be 38 weeks and no sign of baby coming.  Now that I have made it this far I can't help but wonder if I will go past my due date.  I know that the best thing for baby is for her to come when she is ready.  I just don't know how much longer my nerves will last.  Last week at my OB appointment she started talking about a possible induction at 39 weeks.  Normally I would be completely opposed to being induced unless absolutely nessesary.  I found myself smiling and saying that it seemed like a good idea.  I don't really want to be induced, in fact it sounds awful.  But I want my baby here.

For now all I can do is try to be patient.  I have an OB appointment this Wednesday and she will try to strip my membranes if possible.  I have hope that doing that will get things going.  If not, I will continue to wait.  All I can do is wait and trust that my body will keep this baby growing and healthy until she is ready to be born.